THE SCIENCE BEHIND ADDICTION & ME-COMMERCE Gamification is the science that explains how game developers manage to get people ‘addicted’ to their games. How do they make sure that people will play their mini games hours at a time, carry out all types of repetitive actions and then continue to return to their platform? And […]
De wetenschap van verslaving en me-commerce Gamification is de wetenschap die onderzoekt hoe game developers erin slagen om mensen ‘verslaafd’ te maken aan hun spel. Hoe zorgen ze ervoor dat mensen vrijwillig uren aan een stuk minigames en vaak repetitieve handelingen uitvoeren en blijven terug komen naar hun platform? En kunnen deze mechanismen ook overgezet […]
Furniture brands should care about changing customer behaviour. Both manufacturers and retailers are in danger of missing a growing opportunity to sell their collections online. In this blog post we will show that, contrary to popular believe, a growing number of people are willing to buy furniture they haven’t seen or felt in real life. […]
The times they are a-changin’. 1. Straight to the pocket Mobile devices, such as tablets, are growing more popular amongst sales and marketing teams in every industry. They are light, easily transportable and switched on in an instant. Easy to see why tablets are becoming the number 1 tool for any B2B sales rep. In […]
Six Myths About Customer Loyalty Programs Low-margin retailers often argue they can’t afford customer loyalty programs, but is that true? Two business professorsmake the case that such programs are profit-enhancing differentiators. There are three ways to differentiate in retailing: location, location, and location. The problem is that as markets mature, location becomes less potent as a […]
It’s only been a few years since the majority of people were questioning whether leveraging social media channels as a platform for consumer-brand interactions was a viable strategy, and now most businesses in the country have some discernable social media presence. Not all of these businesses are actively engaging in an ongoing marketing strategy through these platforms, […]